2014 Dominican Book Fair Honors Literary Contributors
President Danilo Medina - Ernesto Cardena |
The cultural fair, which runs until the 5th of May, is dedicated to the Dominican poet Domingo Moreno Jimenes, and chose Panama as the guest country of honor.
José Antonio Rodríguez, Minister of Culture, said that the fair will feature 181 publishers, 61 international exhibitors and 70 foreign writers, plus an "active" participation of the "Dominican diaspora" in the U.S. and Europe and the circulation of 33 works by local authors.
Mr. Rodriguez also noted that, this time the fair will focus around hundreds of newly literate adults which took part in the government program “Quisqueya aprende contigo" -- an initiative by the Medina administration, designed to eliminate illiteracy in Dominican Republic.
Also honored this year, Eduardo Galeano of Uruguay and Ernesto Cardenal of Nicaragua. Both received the prize Pedro Henríquez Ureña in recognition of their contributions in the literature.
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