Politician wants Art Courses in Extended School Days in Dominican Republic

Student - Santo Domingo
Nicolás Mateo, PLD Committee Member, proposed integrating programs to teach art (dance, music, theater, sculpture and painting), with the Extended Day Project in public schools.

He noted that many nations around the world with extended school days, provide art programs in the afternoon.

Mateo said, that art is essential to human development, and that in the Dominican Republic, thousands of talented children and adolescents fail to develop due to the lack of opportunity.

He added that it was necessary that schools incorporate art courses, because the extended day format will not allow public school students to go to an art school for lack of time as well as financial resources.

In our neighborhoods, most children can not develop their artistic skills because of lack of training, due to the poor economic conditions in which they live, their parents cannot send them to Fine Arts schools or similar schooling, because they cannot even afford to pay their fare, or give them for a snack.

"The extended day program is a good initiative of President Danilo Medina, but no one gave thought to the formation of extra curricular education of our students, which will not have enough time to attend an art school or play sports. So the education system should make it possible for students to learn music, theater, dance, sculpture or painting.
Story source: almomento.net
Photo source: presidencia.gob.do