Artist Spotlight: Dario Suro

Dario Suro. Landscape. 1930
Paisaje con mujer y niños (Landscape with Woman and Child),
oil on canvas

About the Artist

Dario Suro was born 1918 in La Vega, Dominican Republic. He died in Santo Domingo, in 1998.

Dario Suro. Landscape. 1939
Mañana de brisa y sol (Morning of breeze and sun),
oil on cardboard

Dario Suro. Landscape. 1937
Choza campesina (rural hut),
oil on canvas

Dario Suro. Landscape. 1941
Bosque (forest),
oil on canvas

Dario Suro. Landscape. 1935
Calle vegana (Street in La vega),
oil on cardboard

Dario Suro. Landscape. 1940
Lluvia en el atardecer (Evening rain),
oil on cardboard

Dario Suro. Landscape. 1946
Lluvia en el mercado (Rain in the market),
oil on wood