Jose Levy Drawings 2017-2018

Family Sunday, completed in 2018
Family Sunday, completed in 2018

Andullero (Tobacco roller), completed in 2018
Andullero (Tobacco roller), completed in 2018

Goat eating hog plums, completed in 2018
Goat eating hog plums, completed in 2018

Goico as a faun masturbating, completed in 2018

Anti-Insomnia Method, completed in 2017
Anti-Insomnia Method, completed in 2017

Reading the constitution in a latrine, completed in 2017
Reading the constitution in a latrine, completed in 2017

The Man-Eater vs a dog, completed in 2017
The Man-Eater vs a dog, completed in 2017

Guinea hen, completed in 2017
Guinea hen, completed in 2017

Delivery, completed in 2017
Delivery, completed in 2017

Mama, completed in 2017
Mama, completed in 2017

"José Levy addresses popular imaginary, rituals, mythologies and gestures of daily Dominican chaos with a level of expressive skill, freshness, dark humor, corrosive irony, metaphorical precision and inevitable grace that reaffirm the vitality of his rotund and distinctive creative emergence..." (Amable López Meléndez)

José Levy, pintor y dibujante Dominicano, nació el 30 de marzo de 1978 en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. Realizó estudios de publicidad en la Universidad Acción Preeducación y Cultura (APEC). En el arte su formación es autodidacta.