Persio Minier: Artist from Mao, Valverde, Established in The Bronx

Inmigrantes, RED, 2018
Inmigrantes (series), completed in 2018

Inmigrantes, WHITE, 2018
Inmigrantes (series), completed in 2018

Inmigrantes, BLUE, 2018
Inmigrantes (series), completed in 2018

Inmigrantes, RED, 2017
Inmigrantes (series), completed in 2017

Inmigrantes, YELLOW, 2017
Inmigrantes (series), completed in 2017

Inmigrantes, BLUE, 2017
Inmigrantes (series), completed in 2017

Inmigrantes, a series of abstract paintings by Persio Minier, completed between 2017-2018

If you were born and raised in the Dominican Republic, there is a good chance that you recognize the sandal tracks on Persio Minier's "Inmigrantes" series of abstract paintings, in which he retells that familiar immigration story line of the American dream.

In the works Minier uses red to represent the struggle, white for success, and sandal prints to represent the persons.

Persio Minier was born in Mao, Valverde, Dominican Republic. From a young age he showed interest in art and began to draw. He later moves to Santiago where he studies art under Jacinto Dominguez, a great influence to Minier.

Today, Minier lives and works in the Bedford area of the Bronx.