
Showing posts from 2015

Raquel Paiewonsky - Venus

Jorge Pineda - Wolf into the forest

Eladio Fernandez - Life in 'el campo'

Jabbaj Guerrero - Public works and Collages

Gustavo Peña - It's a Lazy Afternoon

Tony Peralta - Doña Trump con rolos

Tania Marmolejo - The Light Suggestion

Leudy Marquez - Tiempos de Cosecha

Nelson Barrera - surrealist artist

Karla Read - Dear Bentrovato

Saul Martinez Rodriguez - Doña Maria Is A Punk Rocker

Samuel Gomez - Diaphragm

Juan Carlos Reyes - 2015 Artworks (Andrea)

Niurka Guzmán Otañez - Fabric of the Sea

Tito Cánepa - The Dream

Leudy Marquez - Collages en Fauvismo

Randy Encarnacion - Under the veil of night

Clara Ledesma - Negrita en el Jardin

Raúl Recio - Las Chapeadoras

Manuel Toribio - The Fury

Isabel Yepez - Women in an eternal summer

Patricia Gamundi - Outside the Island

Escena Taína, obra maestra de Clara Ledesma

Portraits by Celeste Woss y Gil

Candido Bido - Scarecrow with Birds

Elsa Caceres - Spaces (Series)

Luis Muñoz - Fish Dialogue

Jose Pelletier - Oviedo in perspective

The Peralta Project - Dora con Rolos

Amable Sterling - Albert Einstein Sketches

Leonardo Sanz - Parallel Universes

Jose Pelletier - Ramon Oviedo

Modesto Santiago - From Winter to Spring

Marcos Jorge - Tree Houses

Moro Studio - Canquiña (comic)

José Pelletier - Pop Portraits

Elsa Núñez - Los 4 y Yo

Clara Ledesma - Maternidad

Tania Marmolejo - Even With All That I Know

Gerard Ellis, running with the bulls in 2015

Rolo Ledesma Ilustrador / Diseñador

Julia Virginia Pimentel - Jazz, Fishes and Carnaval

Evelyn Yege - Mutations

Carlos Jesus Martinez Dominguez

Rosalba Hernandez - Neighborhoods

Elisa Feliz - Comic Book Covers & Illustrations

Ricardo Wagner - Dreams, and Organic Illusions

Aram Musset - Apples

Parmelia Matos - Green Design

Oscar Abreu - Mujer con Rolo